
Weight loss

Weight Loss for Men: Useful Advice to Know

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Medically approved by Dr Earim Chaudry
Chief Medical Officer
iconLast updated 8th March 2022

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Weight loss for men can feel like an impossible task. Not only is consistently eating well and finding time to exercise hard, but there are several other factors that make shedding excess pounds a challenge. However, in most cases, making a few simple lifestyle changes can help you lose weight safely. Improving when and what you eat, exercising regularly, and getting a better night’s sleep can all contribute to a slimmer waistline and a positive frame of mind.

7 Simple Weight Loss Tips for Men

Healthy and effective weight loss can be tricky for many men.

Eating too much and exercising too little can quickly pack on those excess pounds, which can lead to a whole range of health conditions. From cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes to sleep apnoea, obesity, and high blood pressure, the consequences of a poor diet go way beyond tight trousers.

Age can play a part in weight gain in men, too. As you get older, you tend to lose muscle, especially if you’re not physically active. This loss of muscle mass can decrease how quickly your body uses calories, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight.

So, to help you take control of your body weight, we’ve gathered 7 simple weight loss tips for men, from goal setting and hydrating to diet, exercise, and sleep.

Ready? Let’s go.

1. Set a clear goal

Before you begin your weight loss journey, you should have a clear goal in mind.

Setting a weight loss goal will give you an idea of what you want to achieve, along with a plan of action for accomplishing it. 

And being able to monitor your progress as the days and weeks tick by will make you more motivated to stick with your plan in the long-term.

Pro tip: Write out your goal and keep it posted somewhere visible (like the bathroom mirror or the fridge) to remind yourself of why you started your fat loss plan in the first place. It may well help you stay on track when you want to give up.

You may also want to share your goal with a supportive friend or family member, and check-in with them regularly. A study by psychologist Gail Matthews found that those who sent weekly progress reports to a friend accomplished significantly more than those who had unwritten goals.

2. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water is highly recommended for everyone. However, it’s vital for a man trying to lose weight.

Most importantly, it increases the number of calories you burn, known as “resting energy expenditure”. 

One study showed that in adults, resting energy expenditure rises by 24–30% within 10 minutes of drinking water. Meanwhile, another study found that overweight people who drank 1-1.5 litres for a few weeks had a significant reduction in weight, body mass index (BMI), and body fat.

Try to keep a bottle of water next to your bed, so you can start hydrating from the moment you wake up.

3. Cut out processed foods

Processed foods like fatty or sugary snacks and ready meals might be convenient, but they can quickly derail your weight loss journey.

Eating them means you’ll be consuming more calories, leading you to gain more weight than if you ate a minimally processed diet.

What’s more, we’re more likely to overeat processed foods since they’re designed to be hyper-palatable — meaning they taste really good and that tells your brain to crave more, even if you’re full. 

If you find particular treats, such as crisps or biscuits, hard to resist, you may want to keep them out of your home. Instead, stock up on healthy snacks like carrot sticks, celery, grapes, or mixed nuts, so you’re prepared at all times.

4. Eat more fruit, vegetables, and whole grains

Rather than looking to unsustainable diet fads and trends to lose weight, opt for more traditional methods like adding more fat-burning fruits and veggies to your diet.

Eating more of these foods can help you achieve speedy weight loss results that are much more likely to last. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, have fewer calories, and also help fill you up for longer, keeping cravings at bay.

Consider adding the following to your daily diet:

  • Leafy greens (like spinach or kale)
  • Avocados
  • Mushrooms
  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Melon
  • Stone Fruits
  • Asparagus

If you’re struggling to get enough vegetables in your diet plan, try starting each meal with a side salad, or whip up a smoothie to mask the taste.

Meanwhile, research shows that adding whole grains to your diet can help burn body fat from the abdominal area (belly fat), as well as reducing the risk of heart disease. Examples of whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, and whole grain cereals.

Read more: What’s a Good Weight Loss Diet for Men?

5. Eat breakfast

You’ve heard it’s the most important meal of the day, right? Well that’s not just a cliche.

Research suggests that eating a healthy breakfast regularly can help you lose weight — and maintain a lower weight over time. This may be because eating breakfast can reduce your hunger later in the day, making it easier to avoid overeating. 

When you skip this meal, you can wind up feeling hungry later, leading you to reach for a quick fix that may not be all that healthy (like those hyper-palatable foods we mentioned earlier).

Eating breakfast with a higher calorie intake can also reduce cravings for fatty and sweet food. One study discovered that people eating a 600-calorie breakfast had lower appetites and fewer cravings during the day when compared to those eating a 300-calorie breakfast.

6. Get your exercise

It is possible to lose weight without exercise — but the health benefits of exercise go far beyond weight management. Regular physical activity is crucial for cardiovascular health, mental wellbeing, and positive self-esteem.

Of course, it also helps you burn fat.

When developing a weight loss exercise plan, make sure you incorporate weight lifting and strength training alongside cardio. As you build muscle mass from lifting, you’ll lose fat mass in the process, becoming slimmer and trimmer in the long run.

Focus on your whole body when exercising, not just your belly. Squats, deadlifts, pushups, chin-ups, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can all be helpful for weight loss.

7. Get higher quality sleep

Finally, along with eating right and staying active, you should aim to get plenty of high-quality sleep each and every night. Sleep is a critical factor in losing weight since it suppresses appetite and raises metabolism.

A recent study published in the peer-reviewed JAMA Internal Medicine discovered that increasing how much you sleep can help you lower your weight by reducing your calorie intake. 

Sleep is also crucial for allowing your body to rest and recover after exercise.

Read more: How Much Sleep Should You Have?

Key Takeaways

While losing weight can be challenging for many men, usually all that’s required are a few simple changes to your eating habits, bedtime routine, and lifestyle.

Remember, if you fall off the wagon when trying to lose weight, it’s okay. Jump straight back on. Don’t let your hard work go to waste.

Need a little more weight-loss inspiration? Explore our Daily Health articles.


How can a guy lose weight fast?

A fast weight loss program might seem desirable, but it’s not always the best option when it comes to men’s health. Instead of aiming for fast results, consider the importance of long-lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. Building positive habits takes time, but if you can add regular exercise and healthy eating to your routine, you’ll see weight loss results sooner rather than later.

How can a guy lose weight without exercise?

Exercise isn’t always possible for everyone. If you want to lose weight without exercise, you should focus on controlling portion sizes, sleeping well, drinking lots of water, and trying to eat without any distractions. Long-term strategies are best. You shouldn’t be aiming to lose weight this week, but rather over the space of several months.

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