
Hair transplant

What’s the Best Thinning Hair Treatment?

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Medically approved by Dr Earim Chaudry
Chief Medical Officer
iconLast updated 1st February 2022

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If your hair is thinning, it’s likely a sign of male pattern baldness, a progressive condition that affects the majority of men as they age. But you do have options to stop it in its tracks. The best thinning hair treatments include Finasteride and Minoxidil. Hair vitamins and shampoo – as well as hair transplantation – can help, too.

Treating Thinning Hair

Thinning hair can hurt – if not physically, then emotionally and psychologically. For some, it can feel just like a normal part of ageing. But for others, it can have a significant impact on your self-esteem.

No matter how you live this experience, you don’t need to just let it happen. There are effective and easy ways to stop your hair thinning – and to reverse it too. For many men, the right hair loss treatment can return the hairline to its full health.

Here, we’re sharing the best thinning hair treatments out there. But first, let’s take a look at why your hair is thinning in the first place.

What Causes Thinning Hair?

In men, thinning hair is usually caused by a condition known as male pattern baldness (MPB). This is a medical condition (also known as androgenetic alopecia) that affects the majority of men as we age – with two-thirds of us showing signs of balding by the time we reach 35.

But what causes it? In short, MPB is caused by your hormones. When your body breaks down testosterone, it tends to produce a stronger male hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is entirely normal and natural. But strangely, DHT appears to affect the health of your hair follicles, causing them to shrink, weaken, and stop producing hair.

Ultimately, this process, known as follicle miniaturisation, is responsible for your thinning hair. If it goes on too long, it can mean that your follicles will be unable to produce hair at all. As such, if you are going to tackle MPB, it’s crucial to act early.

By the way, while MPB is responsible for over 95% of hair loss cases in men, it’s not the only possible culprit. Find out other causes of hair loss in men here: Why is My Hair Falling Out? Causes of Men’s Hair Loss.

Measuring Hair Thinning: The Norwood Scale

Before we get to the effective hair thinning treatments, it’s good to know just how far your hair loss has progressed. For this, many doctors use the Norwood Scale, which can trace the different steps of hair loss.

The Norwood Scale shows 7 stages of hair loss. In stage one, there are no discernible signs of hair loss. At the other end of the scale, you are left with a horseshoe of hair around the back and sides of your head.

In the intermediate stages, hair loss can look really different. If you see only a slight recession at your hairline, you’re likely in the early stages of hair loss. In this case, hair loss treatment is likely to be really effective in stopping – and even reversing – hair thinning.

If your hair is thinning across your entire scalp, you’re likely to be in stage 6 of the Norwood Scale, and more radical treatment might be necessary.

Find out more: The 7 Stages of Male Pattern Baldness

Thinning Hair Treatments: The Best Options

These days, treatments for hair thinning come in all sorts of different forms. There are medicinal options, such as Finasteride and Minoxidil, as well as haircare products and even surgical solutions. Let’s take them one by one.

The Most Powerful Treatments for Hair Thinning

The most popular type of hair loss treatment is medicinal. Pills and solutions such as Finasteride and Minoxidil protect and promote the health of your hair follicles.


Often sold under the brand name Propecia, Finasteride is the most effective treatment for hair loss on the market. According to a number of high-quality studies, it promotes hair growth in over 80% of men who use it.

Finasteride works by defending your hair follicles from that hormone, DHT. It reduces hormone levels in your bloodstream by inhibiting the enzyme (known as 5-alpha reductase) that produces it. Take Finasteride daily as a pill, and you can see new hair growth within three to six months.

Read more about the drug here: Does Finasteride Work for Hair Loss? (The short answer is “yes”.) 


While Finasteride tackles the hormones causing hair loss, Minoxidil works differently to promote healthy hair follicles.

Minoxidil (sometimes sold as Rogaine) is a vasodilator. That means that it widens the blood vessels in your scalp to encourage blood flow. This is effective for helping hair thinning because better circulation means more oxygen and nutrients to your follicles – and ultimately healthier growth.

According to studies, Minoxidil works to stop and reverse hair shedding in over two-thirds of men. And you can combine it with Finasteride for optimal results.

Note: If you’re a woman suffering from female pattern hair loss, it’s vital that you do not take Finasteride. It can cause unwanted hormonal changes.

Hair Transplantation for Hair Thinning?

An increasingly popular treatment option for hair loss is a hair transplant. While not suitable for everyone with thinning hair, hair transplantation can be an extremely effective solution, offering incredible results.

Hair transplantation involves taking healthy hair follicles from one part of your scalp and inserting them into a recipient area – such as any bald patches. These follicles produce healthy hair regrowth. If your hair has thinned to the extent that you have bald spots, a hair transplant can help. Studies have shown that effective procedures can dramatically increase men’s self-esteem.

We can help you find out if a hair transplant is right for you. Get started here.

Hair Products and Supplements

There are many other products out there that have been proven to slow down hair thinning:

  • Power Shampoo: There are lots of hair loss shampoos out there. But you need one that actually works. At Manual, we have filled our Power Shampoo with scientifically proven ingredients – caffeine, biotin, and saw palmetto, to name just a few – that are known to help thinning hair grow back.
  • Hair Vitamins: Vitamin deficiencies are some of the most common causes of hair loss after MPB. Meanwhile, zinc, biotin, and selenium, for example, are all known to help promote hair wellness. We’ve added all of these vitamins into a single hair supplement to make it easier for you to achieve hair health.

Key Takeaways

There are many different proven treatments for hair thinning out there – from the well-known Finasteride to daily supplements that can boost your overall wellbeing.

To tackle hair thinning effectively, act fast. The longer MPB continues, the harder it is to treat successfully.


Can Hair Grow Back After Thinning?

The good news for anyone suffering from hair loss is that, yes, hair can grow back after thinning. That includes men with MPB and women with female pattern baldness. If you’re a man, the crucial thing is that you act fast. The sooner you intervene, the more likely you are to keep a healthy head of hair.

What is Hair Loss?

Hair loss in men is caused by hormonal changes as you get older. Your body breaks down testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is known to damage the follicles in your scalp. It’s this process that causes hair loss and ultimately thinning hair.

While we've ensured that everything you read on the Health Centre is medically reviewed and approved, information presented here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

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