
Promethazine is a common medicinal sleep aid. But it can have side effects, particularly if you use it often. Here’s what to know to take it safely.

Why do you wake up after two hours’ sleep? It’s usually due to something really normal: your sleep schedule. But something more serious could be the cause.

Sleep doesn’t come easily to everyone – and a disrupted sleep pattern can be really frustrating. Here’s how to fix your sleep schedule.

The best sleeping position for you is the one in which you sleep best. Typically, that’s your back or side, but it will depend on your preference.

Probably one of the most frequently asked questions, knowing how much sleep your body needs (and why) is crucial to maintaining good health.

If you're still not refreshed after a good sleep, then you could be fatigued. Fatigue has many possible causes, and a variety of treatments.